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Reyner Banham, Los Angeles, cars and everyday life.

Making, seeing, justice and engagement.

Urban culture, design and landscape.

Essays, language, performativity and the contemporary

Housing, cohousing and citizenship

Aeroplanes, hotels and global architectures

Rethinking Global Modernism

The Bauhaus, women and modern architecture

Widening participation, equality, education and representation.

Town planning, architecture and an education in place making.

Manchester, modern city

Anthropology and architecture

Stefanie Rhodes
Gatti Routh Rhodes

Practicing architecture

Classicism, tradition and sacred spaces

Vernacular architecture, marginal voices and identity.

Social housing, urban culture and community action.

Urbanism, masterplanning and placemaking.

Writing contemporary architecture. 

Tradition, beauty, authenticity and hybridity.

Sustainable, social, democratic architecture.

Modern architecture and 'the political'.

Engagement, housing and Hong Kong. 

Concrete, production, practice and ethics.

African, modernism and encounter

Teaching design thinking

Harriet Harriss
Pratt Institute

Architecture, intersectionality and the anthropocene

Environmentalism, biomimicry and sustainable cities

Architects, environments & imaginations

Aesthetics & the digital image

Modernism's muddy waters

Bruno Latour, ANT and Architects

Alastair Parvin
Open Systems Lab

Open systems and democratic built environments.

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